Learn How To Start Iphone Unlocking Business From The Comfort of Your Home

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Do you know that you can start the iphone unlocking business from the comfort of your room.
 All iphone produced and brought into this country are either factory locked or
is been locked to a network provider over seas like at$t, sprint etc.

A nd for such iphones to be able to use the local networks in Nigeria like MTN
GLO,ETISALAT, it has to be unlocked for it to be able to be used in the country.
Its a very lucrative business ,in that you charge as high as 15,000 to unlock a single iphone depending on the network it has been locked up to.

This ebook,teaches
1. what iphone unlocKing is all about.
2.How to go about the unlocking business.
3.Where and how to get your clients to come seeking for your services.
4.Where to go do the unlocking.
5.How and where to check if an iphone is blacklisted

AND MODEM. All you need is the 15 digits IMEI of the iphone which can be sent
via email by your client. shikinah.

( This is not a get rich quick scheme please).

All this can be gotten for the prize of $40 or Naira 6,500 and your on your way to starting your own
iphone unlocking business from the comfort of your room.

To order for this ebook contact me via: naijasmartrepairs@gmail.com
for more info. This is a very lucrative business you can do from the
 comfort of your room as a means of generating full time online income.

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